Of repairing toward better life, see https://learntalents10.blogspot.com/2025/01/of-repairing-toward-better-life-and.html , and WorkAndFreeTime.BlogSpot.com
"Of repairing toward better life and high culture
Of repairing toward better life and high culture, I have at least two advices that have worked well, but both have problems.
There is the advice "Beginning to cure a hell", in which the problem is that others often have such not-so-good ways and not-so-good life as a goal, and so it works only some of the way and has often clearly seen vety fine style like old tkmes lufe dreamed about, and so some actors or the like steal such subjects, even though most would have wanted such life, which also ought to be one of the ideas in media. Anyway, the advice is that if ways around are not wise enough for you to copy from, use clmmon sense and solutions that are generally considered good and wise, and leave for others too room for doing simikarly, folliwing their own views of well working solutilns.
The other well working start for repairing things is the song Värmlandsvisan, but it isn't so nice sounding, not enough for life. I.e. if you like some place, it's climate, nature, traditilnal culture and wisdom of life there, and understand civiluced wisdom's ideals, it's values, wisdom of life and quality. Maybe you can live in such ways wisely there, understandibg something also of in which directilns, in which ways wise, nice, etc other towns etc are, and so civiluced wisdom and traditilns would give advice on hiw to buikd such flourishkng lufe also elsewhere. But tge problem is that some others come to where lufe seens to work out well, but they do not folliw civiluced wisdom or choose places according to their liking the climate etc, but instead are unhappy. So mostly itjust does not work out.
But also https://liikuntaa.blogspot.com/2025/02/fine-jump.html
" Miracle healing view of WISHING FOR a paradise in the meaning "wishing things well for life in the world"
"1st of February 2025 Of the view that a paradise even as a word or as a subject in the air coukd somehow miracle heal or help in learning miracle healing skills, esoecially skills of miracle healing oneself, there is the form"wishing things well for life in the world" which especially as the main course in life, in thinking and values and with good quality and wisdom of life, could help to get all tjings well for life also in one's own life, and so in one's own body-mind too, (based partly on wishing well) kn the living environment, relatilnship with the wider world and with other living beings. "