perjantai 21. helmikuuta 2025

"Through the world we wander singing"

 "   "Through the world we wander singing" 

A traditional Finnish Christmas song Maa on niin kaunis, "The country is so beautiful"    I would add here tge link 

An arts like sounding nice hobby or a mass product like work


Of getting personal room to live in

 Of repairing toward better life, see , and 

"Of repairing toward better life and high culture 

  Of repairing toward better life and high culture, I have at least two advices that have worked well, but both have problems. 

There is the advice "Beginning to cure a hell", in which the problem is that others often have such not-so-good ways and not-so-good life as a goal, and so it works only some of the way and has often clearly seen vety fine style like old tkmes lufe dreamed about, and so some actors or the like steal such subjects, even though most would have wanted such life, which also ought to be one of the ideas in media. Anyway, the advice is that if ways around are not wise enough for you to copy from, use clmmon sense and solutions that are generally considered good and wise, and leave for others too room for doing simikarly, folliwing their own views of well working solutilns. 

The other well working start for repairing things is the song Värmlandsvisan, but it isn't so nice sounding, not enough for life. I.e. if you like some place, it's climate, nature, traditilnal culture and wisdom of life there, and understand civiluced wisdom's ideals, it's values, wisdom of life and quality. Maybe you can live in such ways wisely there, understandibg something also of in which directilns, in which ways wise, nice, etc other towns etc are, and so civiluced wisdom and traditilns would give advice on hiw to buikd such flourishkng lufe also elsewhere. But tge problem is that some others come to where lufe seens to work out well, but they do not folliw civiluced wisdom or choose places according to their liking the climate etc, but instead are unhappy. So mostly itjust does not work out. 

But also 

" Miracle healing view of WISHING FOR a paradise in the meaning "wishing things well for life in the world" 

 "1st of February 2025   Of the view that a paradise even as a word or as a subject in the air coukd somehow miracle heal or help in learning miracle healing skills, esoecially skills of miracle healing oneself, there is the form"wishing things well for life in the world" which especially as the main course in life, in thinking and values and with good quality and wisdom of life, could help to get all tjings well for life also in one's own life, and so in one's own body-mind too, (based partly on wishing well) kn the living environment, relatilnship with the wider world and with other living beings. " 

The dance of one living in an objective picture of the world

 "  In an objective pucture of ghe world there are many things as a landscape like view. So if one feels like dancing, for dance expression one needs to know what are the central themes of lufe in one's mind each few seconds, a half a minute or these minutes. So there is a subject which one is living through, thinking of it, and typically there are from one to a few such in one's mind at the same time, and the dance expression for them is thought if separately. Think of the subject, the srea of life as a happening or a short series of happenings which have their own atmosphere and emotional rythm, emotional motivation, are phenomena of their own kind, like for example running a short distance. The area of life and the feelibgs in it that one wants to express, to tell a luttle bit like a pie e of a story, have gheir typical style in gesture language and posture, placing the current of lufe to certain areas of body, and if one would think of it as a melody, see part 1. ,  it woukd be like of certain mood, of joy, peaceful, a flickering inspiring thought, etc, which affects the movement expression. 


9th of December 2024   See also  (At least there is quite in the beginning a piece about learning to compose music. ) 

21st of February 2025   See also 

"And the earth and the sky flamed with fire"

 From my blog about skills for a Christmas gnome / elf like life in the modern world, chapter 9. May 2021  : 

" I 46.   In the song Veteraanin iltahuuto  Evening call of veterans, there are the words "And the eatth snd the sky flamed fire" which is often interpreted as shooting, but the melody hives a much more bivid picture of a moment, with nsture around  when a young adult has found a right chord in living, so that what one does and how one sees the world go with wisdom of life thst touches feelings in a way thst is sporty anf senses open and allying with the society so that emotionsl motivation and bedt underdtanding join togrther with the eisfom of life of the environment sp that things grt cured to their right heslthy tracks by thst common effort and l7fe becomes good, wise and happy and active with healthy spirit, healthy ways of livibg and being fit to the civiliced society at the same time 

Of the difference between women and men

 " women's magazine tgeme impressions 

 "  I put new, women's magazine like theme, search keywords to my blog post 

It brought lots of women's magazine like things people had pondered in watching 's video recommendations. Some ofthem related to my texts which you ought to be able to find at links from . 

My texts teach talents, skills and wisdom of life. The basic view of women and men is that women think of home somewhat like keeping a carage like shelter and maintenance place for cars, i.e. for the family, while men on the other hand are more interested in doing just some useful work in the world. The view via healing skills seems to be that it might be possible to change from woman to man or from man to woman by changing this strong emphazis in one's life. To women it comes from learning skills for pregnancy, childcare etc and from the goal of offering also free time to oneself. It seems nice to be skilled. On the other hand men are hindered by an army like way of keeping company but not wanting to be a center of attention, which problem the civilians try to correct away from the life possibilities, which then causes women trying to make room for the wisdom of feelings, new ideas, the personal choices of each, fair play in the society, etc. 

On the other hand, caring things well in the wide world and in the society is also needed, but it is not automatically the feature of all who keep "a carage". So one should have some diligency in noticing and taking into account who did what when with good quality, and who just claimed to have such skills at other moments. And similarly about goals, values, likings, comfortable areas of life. And one should notice that reaching for points in female looks or in being classified female, is typical for transvestite men dressing as women without cultivating women's skills, values and quality. 

From my blog 

Of the difference of the words "wild" and "ill"

 " In being wild there is strongly the dimension of running free and things going so well, with high skills and good health, especially for the individual and for such a natural ages old life in the nature. Such life has wisdom that keeps things well for such a life, for life generally too. 

So as a word, the word "wild" as far as I know has: 
W :  something natural, complex, life like, maybe ages old with wisdom of feelings too, 
I :  things seen from the point of view of good quality objective civiliced wisdom with common sense and a holistic view, and such wisdom of life followed also in practice like healthy natural ways of living and emotional goals etc taken wisely into account, 
L :  often, at least in this modern word, such needs some practical solutions, like if I run here over the low garden table and stools and around the fireplace will there behind the berry bush be another pet, 
D :  it is good to be wise in these solutions though and in the ideas they maybe bring into mind, since otherwise the way of life might not contunue in the long run, so civiliced wisdom must be respected, especially values make sense in it's light. 

So if one does not have so much civiliced wisdom in use but trues to find some solutiobs by oneself in a much too complex situation, it is just some terms I, plus some technical solutions L, but it leads nowhere well for life, it is just technical attempt L. So that is typical reason someone might get ill or be ill, and typical also to the ill not being able to work with good quality. 

* * * * *

Weathers and nature like music


" Weathers and nature like music 

 There are many ways to experience the local weathers. Experiencing them nice typically demands that one woukd like such a climate, kibd of feel like-minded with the character features typical in the traditional cultyre there, and especially in the wise charm of the wild nature. So it means that one should not prefer the style of wisdom of some very different climate or very different type of place. When one is in a certain clinate, one ought to luve in the local climate's ways instead of tuning to pondering far-away climate's moods, rythms etc. 

If one lives in a very even way, like a train on it's tracks, there is nit much music-lijedness in one's lufe experience. But if there are variations in the speed according to the naturaö rythms of the thibgs done, that is already much nearer to experiencing life as musical. So if one lives in normal natural everyday life's ways but is turned, tuned toward exoeriencing lufe mire fascinating and healthy natyral ages old kibd, wise and with wisdom of life, so one can experience sensations nicer and stronger lije get varued sensory imoressions beauty of light and spits of coloyr, shades of coloyrs, sgapes, practical thibgs done determinibg some thibfs in the environment, motivation mattering, there being the wisdom of ages old life carrying, wisdom of life leading toward it's way. In such spirts, the sense of sight, atmosphere sensations and motivations, ways of life, types of wisdom if life, types of things done, miljos, etc matter a lot. 

When obe with such a fine-tuning toward the original natyre of humans and of living beinfs, and with it's natyral rythms and shades of life, goes out to the weather and tunes to how it is at mospgeric to wander in such a weather and how such lufe comoares with the life situations (of of course oneself and more distantly) of one's friends egc, there us some music-likedness in the air. Lije a bird on a near-by tree-branch singing of spribg has the weather as a subject and how lives develop in the near future as the spring advances, and how each kind of being wanders in the landscape, living one's lufe. Simikarly the weathers and the trees, an autumn wind for exampke are lije a piece of some ages okd tgemes in life, the weather feeling impressive. 

Roughly in the same subject also: 

* "Soi vienosti murheeni soitto" by Oskar Merikanto 

* my blog post 

* * * * 

perjantai 7. helmikuuta 2025

Fine jump

 A fine long jump on a news video at a link from . Do you think tgat such connects with the other links at the page, maybe especially with the miracle healing link but also with the other texts, with having things well for life in the world as a major goal in life? 

" Miracle healing view of WISHING FOR a paradise in the meaning "wishing things well for life in the world"

 "1st of February 2025   Of the view that a paradise even as a word or as a subject in the air coukd somehow miracle heal or help in learning miracle healing skills, esoecially skills of miracle healing oneself, there is the form"wishing things well for life in the world" which especially as the main course in life, in thinking and values and with good quality and wisdom of life, could help to get all tjings well for life also in one's own life, and so in one's own body-mind too, (based partly on wishing well) kn the living environment, relatilnship with the wider world and with other living beings. " 


"Of a paradise lije direction in life and in the world i.e. 

From my blog : 

" If one would need school's beneficial effect again, what in it was essential to remember 

  "  Always wish well for the world, for the living kind, and keep that always as major goal in everything, in doing things, deciding anything and in living your life, including all social contacts, things said, etc. Follow common sense, especially healthy basic common sense. Be fair toward all individuals, groups, ( things, goals, etc. ) (Healthy) wisdom of life. Value good quality. 

7th of February 2025   The graditional problem has been that of life possibilitues disappearing because of having chosen some maybe personally liked alternatives for major life choices, but in tge above advice the moral seeks to quarantee also tgat one would suit also to going to places, association with other groups etc, since the valyes make tge chouces suit them too. 


* * *   

Maybe this is also why I have often preferred honesty, 

Why I never quite understood how lying would make things better for me in the long run, takibg into account the large scale.


This long jump video in the news today brought to my mind that maybe this blog post as a subject carries well