From my blog about skills for a Christmas gnome / elf like life in the modern world, chapter 9. May 2021 :
" I 46. In the song Veteraanin iltahuuto Evening call of veterans, there are the words "And the eatth snd the sky flamed fire" which is often interpreted as shooting, but the melody hives a much more bivid picture of a moment, with nsture around when a young adult has found a right chord in living, so that what one does and how one sees the world go with wisdom of life thst touches feelings in a way thst is sporty anf senses open and allying with the society so that emotionsl motivation and bedt underdtanding join togrther with the eisfom of life of the environment sp that things grt cured to their right heslthy tracks by thst common effort and l7fe becomes good, wise and happy and active with healthy spirit, healthy ways of livibg and being fit to the civiliced society at the same time
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