perjantai 29. marraskuuta 2024

Of foods that seemed to suit me in my twenties

  " When I in my twenties liked aikido and non-contact karate hobbies, that was just liking such motion hobbies, and the Finnish nature outdoors, with an interest in zen buddhism too. But if one thinks of food I ate something like ordinary Finnish food (pizzas by Saarioinen), plus fresh apple juice and in addition to it dark bread (ruisleipää) with cheese and slices of tomato, and sometimes a small youghurt, sometimes an apple too.  


maanantai 11. marraskuuta 2024

Christmas angels

 Kun hoksasin, että seuraavat kesäolympialaiset ovat USassa Los Angelesissa, niin laitan varmuuden vuoksi tämän jouluenjelivihkiseni linkin tähänkin, vaikka liikunnan kannalta ehkä sen lopussa olecat linkut ovat olenbaisimmat. which ought to lead to the blig post 1st of October 2023 in my blig .

4th od December 2024   Of angels there is the new blog