perjantai 29. marraskuuta 2024

Of foods that seemed to suit me in my twenties

  " When I in my twenties liked aikido and non-contact karate hobbies, that was just liking such motion hobbies, and the Finnish nature outdoors, with an interest in zen buddhism too. But if one thinks of food I ate something like ordinary Finnish food (pizzas by Saarioinen), plus fresh apple juice and in addition to it dark bread (ruisleipää) with cheese and slices of tomato, and sometimes a small youghurt, sometimes an apple too.  


maanantai 11. marraskuuta 2024

Christmas angels

 Kun hoksasin, että seuraavat kesäolympialaiset ovat USassa Los Angelesissa, niin laitan varmuuden vuoksi tämän jouluenjelivihkiseni linkin tähänkin, vaikka liikunnan kannalta ehkä sen lopussa olecat linkut ovat olenbaisimmat. which ought to lead to the blig post 1st of October 2023 in my blig .

4th od December 2024   Of angels there is the new blog 


Thursday 20 June 2024

Tranquil peace and beauty, serene fracturelessness with healthy wisdom of life

 Try to follw these two advices fully: 

1. An ok angel 

"  ( The Finnish word for an angel is "enkeli", in which "en" means "No, I am not...", and "keli" means weather to travel in, and those both have to be taken into account: freedom to folliw one's likibgs in miral ways, and takkng the situations into account, the situations of all, and folliwing civiluced valyes and healthy wisdom of life. )

27th of April 2024    Learned from changing weathers demanding individual judgement to stay alive, like the melting of the ice cover of a lake in the spring time. a

16th of April 2024   First, follow civiliced values with good quality. Then have some independency, the right to refuse, so as to have some personal fracturelessness and healthy kibd of wisdom in lufe choices. Pay attention to weather like situatiobs: does the thing seem good, wished for in tge world, and for you right now, and for others, kibd of taking the ibfo of feelibgs into accoubt well, since often drawbacks are difficult to put to words, since those are often in another perspective or side or between perspectives, but kind of felt atmospheric fracturelessness in how one is in a landscape may help one notice such and take them wusely into account. "

2. Beneficial for life 



My own home as an adult has sometimes had a honey like atmosphere. I value animals and nature, admire bees, and I tend to think that it is good to leave things at home in a way that is good for life, but sincere enough so as to know where one needs to learn better ways of living. I value wisdom of life a lot and consider good ways of doing important. I think strongly that wishing well in the world and being fair in one's life are important values to follow in practice, always in everything. 

My books 

From my blog 


perjantai 23. elokuuta 2024

"As if of a naturally healthy family"

 23rd of August 2024   A new booklet "Healing 5. : "As if of a naturally healthy family" 

As a paperback 5.30usd +post +tax?

As an ebook 1usd +tax, instant download with unlimited copying allowed

Ought to be soon available at 

maanantai 29. heinäkuuta 2024

Paradise is possible

 29th of July 2024   Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to 

sunnuntai 21. heinäkuuta 2024

Quotation from my Christmas gnome skills text, chapter 9.

 "I 39.   10th of May 2021   I haven't had a sports hobby for a long time and the last few days I have been ill, but I think thst for one to enjoy sports a lot one ought to have a similar attitude to moving as to the challenges westher brings, and have a sense of concretical achievements of the hardcreality and have senses open as one moves  eye watchibgvtrees  grasses etc and from that comes a large patt of the concreticsl side, and have along a widercwisdom of lufe like the beauty of music as one sibgs or listens to a good singer. "


lauantai 29. kesäkuuta 2024

A comment about tumbling / about accidents

 " 29th of June 2024   Tumbling comments,   Tumbling us a form of sport in which the person goes round like from hands to feet and from the to hands etc like someone flying from a car in an accident might go. Such is often very hazardous, even though I have seen some videos of it. If someone flies from a car and is left spinning in such a way, I guess it is not good to be completely rigid, but instead one shouls give in and bend a little according to the situation, naybe like made from gummy or even more flexible, but without so much that one would go to unnatyral postures. Often in skills the fifference between a successful attempt and an accident is great, lije for example whether one can ride a bicycle or not, so if obe estimates by feelings, one should choose nice effortless easy comfortable nondangerous alternatives with freedom of affecting things by slight choices, so such alternatives may be nice like eating a Christmas cookie, and also religious help may make things so easief, like the car glidingly stop to the roadside for exsmple and all stayed unharmed. But if one tries such when flying away from a car and maybe left spinning, it matters that one would not rely on someone wishing for toughvrealusm like bang to a tree since the other person claimed that trusting positive feelings is such, so one should indtead to kibd of relugiously wish well and wish help from friendly birds etc around for it to end well. And if one is left lying there somewhere, notice that one came out of the car in an unusual way, but moving anyway, not jyst sitting lazily, and so one is in the forest or so and one ought to sit up, open one's eyes and look at the greenery, birds etc abd start being like in such an environment one ordinarily ought to be. " 

Kalevala's cultural inheritage and sports


"Kalevan kisat 

 In the news there was some video of the Finnish sports happening Kalevan kisat, the games of Kaleva, referring to the cultural inheritage of Kalevala like things. I watched some foreigner, maybe from Central Europe, being quite satisfied with the nuce summer weather, being able to bear such amounts of cool and exoerience the summer time nature too, trees outside the field and some grasses, the feeling of summer time in the quite cool air. Thinking of Kalevala it brought to my mind the attempt to what would it affect sports' strenght and skills, if one thought of a nature landscape, wishing well for the world, all thibgs objectively and fairly well in wise ways and with wisdom of lufe, so all motivational factirs in one's picture of the world and in life in the living for the sports achievements, also social good will supporting others in supporting the good of the world, and the nature landscape making it easier to see at the same time, feel and get strenght from those feelings, suppirt the world wisely well so, how much more strenght, agility, etc it would give? And enjoyment of moving, of being alive, as a feeling caring being in the world, for better ways if living! It is typical for sports articles of ongoing happenings that the videos etc may change, and then later it maybe only says that the competition is over. Such may relate to the climate demanding different things as the seasons change, and also the society changes as years pass. 

My translation of the beginning of Kalevala 

As a word "kisat" means something like playfully running around, leisurely, like a garden game not taken seriously but nice if one wants such in the beginning of summer, like several guests giving it a try at some point of a loose summer celebration like meeting. In fact the word comes from the word for competition but it is not so much like for points but instead for fun, for the enjoyment of it, each one using the amount of time they feel interested kn investing in it right then, since sports are good for staying healthy and feeling well and for endurancy, also for heat regulation etc skills. It is a way of doing typical to people each one at some point trying something fine, like throwing a hulahula ring to the air in an atmospheric way born from the moment's observations and a likibg toward such, so the things done maybe are not so meanibgful, but instead fun and good for learning like children's games. 

( Thinking of words, Kalevala means place somehow named after Kaleva. In phonetical meaning "ka" often refers to practical life according to traditional ways of life and culture's main current. In the Swedish language "le" means to smile. And in the Finnish language "vauva" means "a baby" and "vaan" means only, solely. So it could be that if teaditional practical life makes a baby smile in a music like way, it may be a mark that the baby has high skills, kind of music level potential. Similarly, if oractical life of the teaditional type makes a person always just smile, maybe they have a good capacity to such and to life in general and are interested in practical life, for examole sports, maybe in a musical way. So a place following such people's views on skills and values, might be with very high skills, maybe worth comparing with Kalevala type skills, maybe being interested in learning such types of skills. ) 

keskiviikko 27. maaliskuuta 2024

Easy way to learn healing staying far from illnesses and wounds

 "  I bought today the domain . That was just two days after I had noticed that there no longer is enough safety precautions, shelter for continuing making my Finnish healing blog. So I guess, since the English blog used to disturb too much making the Finnish blog, someone thpught that now is the time to inform of the English blog. 

This thought came to my mind a few hours later or so.

" In learning healing one ought to pay attention to how different things done, associated with, ways of living, social situations, etc affect one's being, the situation and so one's health. Those are kind of cloud like things: the effect of the deed or whatever, and how long it lasts, what is the total effect, like for example what different kinds of foods cause, thinking of when one longs for just that kind of food, for example an orange maybe gets senses open, while a sweet dessert may make it easier to trust one's emotional wisdom of life, and musli sometimes makes it easier to think of farmer's life. Line like markings are usually sosially commanding, so one must discern vetween social bullying and maybe benefical relieving civiliced wisdom as a part of the fact content, but those too have some effects with some atmospheres which slmetimes help to discern what areas of life those are about and so mention more of the effects. 

This blig's way of healing is to suggest as a cure the piece of healthy natyral ways of living and wisdom of lufe according to positive feelings, which people with such an illness often most lack, and teach them like to a beginner. "



* * *

4th of April 2024   As I have written to my bligs what I far from illnesses etc have insight about healing, I have learned that somewhat fat experienced older nurses may have lots of such understanding about healing, but their rythm of lufe is adapted to associating people with sorrow who have to recover and learn new things, find their way wisely in a maybe stressed unwise social envuronment. So such influencies sliw lbe away from sporty life. But if one tries to take distace to such amounts of associating with the ill or handicapped, one typically gets inföuencies from more sporty medicine professionals, but those are often unwise, disturbing observations needed in healing skills, social life and in life generally by some line like markings in the air or to the body & mind of the other. So one should not accept such at all. If one does not need a nurse as forefigure etc, then lne ought to luve a normal healthy lufe undisturbed by care professionals' markibgs, claims, etc. 

lauantai 16. maaliskuuta 2024

"Synnytys, äiti ja vauva terveet ja onnelliset"

 Katso olikohan 997. 

Vihkosen voi ladata ilmaiseksi sivulla 

Näiden pitäisi olla tervejärkisiä, ajattelun tuomia perusohjeita, eli älä sotke esim lakihenkisyyteen, dominointiin, keinotekoisuuksiin, tms. 

Giving birth, easy natueal painless birth, see 

" These advices one can read beforehand. ( The miracle healing advice on a link from here is the one which seems to bring immediate birth. ) I do not know so much of the subject, so follow ordinary wise advices and common sense. 

 I wrote in Finnish language (Finland is a country in northern Europe, with snow in the winter time) advices about giving birth. The advices were common sense like, aimed at those who are school educated, and who had followed healthy ways of living, had some sports hobby and liked music, read quite much, etc. The advices also aim at being nondangerous and harmless.

I am just a writer, university educated in theoretical physics, physics and math plus taken part on some courses in theoretical philosophy. ( My advices about learning thinking skills . ) These advices are my common sense like view with theoretical grounds in ordinary picture of the world. I am not speaking for any advices made by others or altered by others. I have heard tales of pain and damage from births in Finland, and I cannot understand why such fates woukd be necessary, since giving birth is a natural part of life and so there should be easy natural ways to such for healthy wise adult women. I made in Finnish advices about giving birth ladt autumn, and those brpught just an influence of happy wise proud mothers and babies, and at first a feeling of relief. Today I got some influencies from others and I just got ill, got stomach pain and had to go to the toiled. Earluer I haven't gotten ant paind of this subject, even though I am usually not good at all bearing inflyencies from others, other humans I mean. 

The basic advice for avoiding pain in the Finnish advices, was to go along in the situation, letting the emphazis on different areas of life change to taking wisely and according to feelings, sensations etc into account the needs of the situation. 

Giving birth is an unusual situation in life but natural, so there ought to be a natursl way of the birth channel widening well enough, but others are not in the same situation at the same time, so one should rely on one's own abilitues of natural action and learning, which are helped by natural healthy diet including especially fresh fruits, fresh juice or fresh vegetables, and such vitamins are needed especially when givkng birth. 

Others just disturb, so those who tend to come to the same spit or interfere, ought to be removed and put under warmest winter blankets so that they are soft. Likewise the one giving birth ought to notice that too hot body is like in slumber and so not wise enough, while too cold body is stiff, but in liked sports the body is of comfortable temperature and there exists some temperatures and states of mind in which one has fine body coordination in a natyral music like way and emotional wisdom of life that makes one sensitively observing and wise in body coordination kn natural ways. One can affect one's body temperature via clothes, blankets, ways of living, some amount of fatness, etc. Very thin is often with poor attentiln. Very hungry is often directed only toward food in what comes to natural motivation, so being somewhat fat and so being able to take a relaxed attitude yet skilled and wisely understanding viewpoint, ought to make giving birth eadier. But for slme food is not interesting, so fat neither, so jyst normal weight would be enough if the person is healthily musical. ( An interest in musical ways of keeping the stomach, can help in smallening the upper and maybe central stomach by contracting the stomach muscles. But the baby ought to have gone downwards toward birth, the baby needs to be along. ) 

For opening the birth channel it is important to try to open also the outmost parts of the birth channel right in the beginning. When the baby is born, maybe 10cm or I do not know how much of the outmist part of the birth channel seems to get opened by someone welcoming the baby to the world. There are different social distancies, like very near, lije family, a little bit farther from the baby like aunt and uncle, or a few meters away by the window like internet and society or the wide world. When the person welcoming the baby is at that distance, the birth channel's outmist parts seem to open by themselves and the baby is born like gliding almost by itself, as if on a gliding tape. 


( If there is afterwards any bleeding, that may be due everything ooened, so the mither should admire the newborn, so her body would change to recovery phace. ) 


Links to my original Finnish advices about giving birth, and to the English miracle healing advice about giving birth, and to other healing advices, see 

For the miracle healing kind of advice about giving birth, see 

I do not have children of my own, I do not have any experience of giving birth. But I have written many healing advices, weather skills advices, advices in wisdom of life and in learning other skills and talents. Take care to apply my advices only according to common sense, without dangers, since sometimes the texts have been replaced by the texts of others with different strenghts and weaknesses,  even the main values sabotaged. And anyway these are just guesses by me, not always so sure.


Please comment here under this blog post, or locally to other mothers etc, if you have experiences that could give other mothers a better idea of what this advice is like and whom it might suit, and is there some danger to avoid. Remember to mention your country and culture and the climate you are in. My impression of my original longer Finnish advices about giving birth, is that by following them with one's other skills and common sense along, the births went without problems and did not feel like hardships. So people mistook the newborn babies for older babies. 


HOW A BABY COULD LEARN to take care of being born

 If the baby in tge stomach of one's mither is interested in, how a baby learns, baby maybe learns by one's senses and sensations forming a picture of the surrounding world and of one's own body, it's tuning to moods and types of action/ areas of life, it's postures, etc, and of one's mither's body, of each situation and life. So it would be good if the mother would live a quite ordinary basic life which has the basic elements of ordinary life, for examole spending some time outdoors with some nature too (maybe trees), some motion, music, thinking, both with common sense and with wusdom, doing practical things, meeting people that one knows, etc. One's body, if one wants to learn, ought not be fully stiff and neither fully relaxed like a cloth, but instead give in according to each situation, bend somewhat like is good in such a situation. Then the baby maybe can figure out a good way to be born too. That would maybe be for the mother something like, let's try now in the baby's way if it would go well that way. Then too one maybe needs to communicate to the baby, head or feet first, etc. For the outmost part of the birth channel it would be essential that someone would welcome the baby to the world, from the distance that seems to make thd birth work out well. 

* * *

27th of January 2024   You can find these advices as a part of the (short) book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings", which is largely about learning wisdom of life and talents unpredictably, see or the first post at , see .

sunnuntai 10. maaliskuuta 2024

Sports skills, music and what one can learn from the nature


"In building and safeguarding living conditions values and quality matter 

 As a child I read quite many adventure books, mostly good quality old boys' adventure books, since I liked the Finnish nature and admired wild animals and wanted to be somehow good for the society. Some of the most famous books were Swedish or maybe by Swedish speaking Finns, telling of chilren's lives with gardens and adventures, but beautiful though those tales and views were, those books tended to take away my own experience of our garden, the beauty and naturality of it, like passing under a low apple tree branch just for the enjoyment and natural complexity of it, intertwined with the Finnish traditional civiluced possibilities in life, and instead after reading when one went to the garden such beauty got replaced by unability to enjoy or undersrand such, as if someone had borrowed a famous outer form without understanding the values in it and the need for civiliced rationality to support such, and there was left only some technical form with social obligations more unwisely than before. So adults had mistaken famoys books as wise instead of as beautiful fakes. For a thing to last there needs to be values safeguarding it, upon which it is build and maintained, plus good enough quality, for example school's civiliced wisdom instead of justt fajes and guesses, and for example one shoukd notice that neighbouring individuals often hsve different valyes and different grounds for their position, for example one social and lying and another safeguarding the good of the society and of the world. 

Finnish cultural wusdom or the picture of the world of the nature sciences which my parents were fond of, says that a natural living environment is important for humans and other living beings. Even though most people nowadays live in cities, natural functioning of biological beings and human societues may demand a certain amount of natural elements in the environment, which abd how many and of which kinds snd how much of them may vary a lot between individuals and situations, but it is likely that natural functioning of all the needed sides of ghe society would demand at least some individuals or groups having very natural living environment even if others don't have. Since we cannot predict the future, and in any case, it is good, surest to have at least the traditional forms of natural life and a natural living environment, with which it has been good to live here, so gardens, some recreation areas with forests, lakes, parks, trees, lawns, some grasses and flower pots are needed, likewise local farming without arupt or unwise changes in habits, etc. 

A tree branch in the garden offers varied sensory stimuli when one wishes for such. It is structured and atmospheric with clear concretical characteristics like sturdy or slender young, sensitive or on old good tracks, etc. Such is good for observation abilities which is good for objective thinking and skills, and so good also for school work. 

When I was young, I comoared the rythm of winter or spring time's bush or tree branches to thinking perspectives of different people with their typical fwatures, like long but narrow steps in thinking or short but more practical, and so the different professions had their own meaningfjl typical choices of such, likewise areas of life. 

Sturdy or sensitive etc like the structures and atmospheres of plant's branches, flowers, etc, is good vocabulary for sports skills, especially in sports kinds of variations in ways of doing, but also in perception abilitues, balancing whokes, emotional wisdom of life and how situations develop and choosing healthy courses in lufe situatilns and in single things done while taking into account near future and long term health, happiness and skills. In this sense life resembles things interesting in dance. 

10th of March 2024   A Finnish propaganda song, is it from World War II, but with the above text of mine could help locally all nations and not especially Finland. The name of the song is something like "Throw away your claim of your square skills being better than the skills brought by good quality civiliced wisdom" 

Famous Sovjet cavalry song, with the nature element one ought to reach high, yet it looks very war like, but I watched only the beginning 

perjantai 8. maaliskuuta 2024

Women's Day in the spring winter

 "Where does women's wisdom come from

Women's Day 8th of March in the spring winter isn't actually a celebration. Instead it is a wish to end the winter cold by women's wisdom if they happen to such have with such an effect too. If a child wants tl be a girl, it is for most or all imporant that one could get a child of one's own and carry it in one's stomach. So the child is asked, do you think that you would be able to care for the child in your stomach so well that it does not die but is healthy and grows like a child ought to, and care for the child when it has born but is still quite youbg, say a few years, and care for your own body and needs so well that you have the strenght and wisdom etc for such and things run well for you, your family and friends, for the social group you live in and also the society and world good for life in the future. And so most women and girls learn to care for such yhings somewhat, have some wisdom of lufe anf common sense and think that such are needed. And so if the world is of spirit, Women's Day in ghe quite early spring can help to end the winter cold and bring spring weathers. I guess such is some general wisdom of how is good to live, suited for all, like healthy ways of living and civiliced wisdom, and taking the environment into account, and wishing well in the world - but even mentioning this causes that many try to convince others of the opposite goals as similarly wise advice in life. But it is like a passer-by of a young person or animal saying/thinking "Gees, good ways of doing and taking the environment into account civilicedly, that's life!". Emotional wisdom of life tells whether one feels well or not, so learning wisdom of life about feelings helps in this a lot, but these are complex subjecrs including wisdom of life, understanding of good ways of doing, of personal differencies, learning, individuality, society level wisdom and one's picture of the world, etc. 


About giving birth, both in Finnish and in Englush: a healthy happy mother and newborn baby, see at links from

lauantai 2. maaliskuuta 2024

Kaikkien lajien harrastajat eivät ole suomalaiseen tapaan liikunnallisia

 Jostain on minulla vaikutelma, että jos Slovakia Itä-Euroopassa katsoi, että sen olot ovat hyvät liikunnan harrastamiseen, niin kyseessä oli vuoruen alarinteiden pitkät loivat kumpuilevat mäet, jotka saavat useimmat tuumimaan, että olusi hyvä harrastaa liikuntaa. Mutta millainen ihminen sitten jaksaisi hyvin ajaa pyörällä pitkiä loivua mäkiä? Kai pullaa syövä sosiaalinen henkilö, joka ei kaipaa paljon vaihtelua vaan on enemmänkin kuin ruutumallinen, kuin yksi värillinen ruutu. Mutta se ei sitten olekaan Suomessa liikunnallusen tyyppisen oloinen, koska ei lle alituisen säiden vaihtelun, reaktiivisen autolla ajon ja sivistyneen maailmankuvan jatkuvan noudattamusen tapaan monimuotoisen reaktiivinen hyvin yhteiskuntakelpoisella tavalla.