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Vihkosen voi ladata ilmaiseksi sivulla https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/vihkonen-synnytys-aiti-ja-vauva-terveet.html
Näiden pitäisi olla tervejärkisiä, ajattelun tuomia perusohjeita, eli älä sotke esim lakihenkisyyteen, dominointiin, keinotekoisuuksiin, tms.
Giving birth, easy natueal painless birth, see https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/book-wonderful-miracle-like-beings.html
" These advices one can read beforehand. ( The miracle healing advice on a link from here is the one which seems to bring immediate birth. ) I do not know so much of the subject, so follow ordinary wise advices and common sense.
I wrote in Finnish language (Finland is a country in northern Europe, with snow in the winter time) advices about giving birth. The advices were common sense like, aimed at those who are school educated, and who had followed healthy ways of living, had some sports hobby and liked music, read quite much, etc. The advices also aim at being nondangerous and harmless.
I am just a writer, university educated in theoretical physics, physics and math plus taken part on some courses in theoretical philosophy. ( My advices about learning thinking skills quickerlearning.blogspot.com . ) These advices are my common sense like view with theoretical grounds in ordinary picture of the world. I am not speaking for any advices made by others or altered by others. I have heard tales of pain and damage from births in Finland, and I cannot understand why such fates woukd be necessary, since giving birth is a natural part of life and so there should be easy natural ways to such for healthy wise adult women. I made in Finnish advices about giving birth ladt autumn, and those brpught just an influence of happy wise proud mothers and babies, and at first a feeling of relief. Today I got some influencies from others and I just got ill, got stomach pain and had to go to the toiled. Earluer I haven't gotten ant paind of this subject, even though I am usually not good at all bearing inflyencies from others, other humans I mean.
The basic advice for avoiding pain in the Finnish advices, was to go along in the situation, letting the emphazis on different areas of life change to taking wisely and according to feelings, sensations etc into account the needs of the situation.
Giving birth is an unusual situation in life but natural, so there ought to be a natursl way of the birth channel widening well enough, but others are not in the same situation at the same time, so one should rely on one's own abilitues of natural action and learning, which are helped by natural healthy diet including especially fresh fruits, fresh juice or fresh vegetables, and such vitamins are needed especially when givkng birth.
Others just disturb, so those who tend to come to the same spit or interfere, ought to be removed and put under warmest winter blankets so that they are soft. Likewise the one giving birth ought to notice that too hot body is like in slumber and so not wise enough, while too cold body is stiff, but in liked sports the body is of comfortable temperature and there exists some temperatures and states of mind in which one has fine body coordination in a natyral music like way and emotional wisdom of life that makes one sensitively observing and wise in body coordination kn natural ways. One can affect one's body temperature via clothes, blankets, ways of living, some amount of fatness, etc. Very thin is often with poor attentiln. Very hungry is often directed only toward food in what comes to natural motivation, so being somewhat fat and so being able to take a relaxed attitude yet skilled and wisely understanding viewpoint, ought to make giving birth eadier. But for slme food is not interesting, so fat neither, so jyst normal weight would be enough if the person is healthily musical. ( An interest in musical ways of keeping the stomach, can help in smallening the upper and maybe central stomach by contracting the stomach muscles. But the baby ought to have gone downwards toward birth, the baby needs to be along. )
For opening the birth channel it is important to try to open also the outmost parts of the birth channel right in the beginning. When the baby is born, maybe 10cm or I do not know how much of the outmist part of the birth channel seems to get opened by someone welcoming the baby to the world. There are different social distancies, like very near, lije family, a little bit farther from the baby like aunt and uncle, or a few meters away by the window like internet and society or the wide world. When the person welcoming the baby is at that distance, the birth channel's outmist parts seem to open by themselves and the baby is born like gliding almost by itself, as if on a gliding tape.
( If there is afterwards any bleeding, that may be due everything ooened, so the mither should admire the newborn, so her body would change to recovery phace. )
Links to my original Finnish advices about giving birth, and to the English miracle healing advice about giving birth, and to other healing advices, see https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/10/miracle-healing-advices.html
For the miracle healing kind of advice about giving birth, see https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2017/07/about-giving-birth-knee-ball-misplaced.html
I do not have children of my own, I do not have any experience of giving birth. But I have written many healing advices, weather skills advices, advices in wisdom of life and in learning other skills and talents. Take care to apply my advices only according to common sense, without dangers, since sometimes the texts have been replaced by the texts of others with different strenghts and weaknesses, even the main values sabotaged. And anyway these are just guesses by me, not always so sure.
Please comment here under this blog post, or locally to other mothers etc, if you have experiences that could give other mothers a better idea of what this advice is like and whom it might suit, and is there some danger to avoid. Remember to mention your country and culture and the climate you are in. My impression of my original longer Finnish advices about giving birth, is that by following them with one's other skills and common sense along, the births went without problems and did not feel like hardships. So people mistook the newborn babies for older babies.
HOW A BABY COULD LEARN to take care of being born
If the baby in tge stomach of one's mither is interested in, how a baby learns, baby maybe learns by one's senses and sensations forming a picture of the surrounding world and of one's own body, it's tuning to moods and types of action/ areas of life, it's postures, etc, and of one's mither's body, of each situation and life. So it would be good if the mother would live a quite ordinary basic life which has the basic elements of ordinary life, for examole spending some time outdoors with some nature too (maybe trees), some motion, music, thinking, both with common sense and with wusdom, doing practical things, meeting people that one knows, etc. One's body, if one wants to learn, ought not be fully stiff and neither fully relaxed like a cloth, but instead give in according to each situation, bend somewhat like is good in such a situation. Then the baby maybe can figure out a good way to be born too. That would maybe be for the mother something like, let's try now in the baby's way if it would go well that way. Then too one maybe needs to communicate to the baby, head or feet first, etc. For the outmost part of the birth channel it would be essential that someone would welcome the baby to the world, from the distance that seems to make thd birth work out well.
* * *
27th of January 2024 You can find these advices as a part of the (short) book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings", which is largely about learning wisdom of life and talents unpredictably, see www.amazon.com/author/khtervola or the first post at miraclelikenature.blogspot.com , see https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/book-wonderful-miracle-like-beings.html .
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