sunnuntai 10. maaliskuuta 2024

Sports skills, music and what one can learn from the nature


"In building and safeguarding living conditions values and quality matter 

 As a child I read quite many adventure books, mostly good quality old boys' adventure books, since I liked the Finnish nature and admired wild animals and wanted to be somehow good for the society. Some of the most famous books were Swedish or maybe by Swedish speaking Finns, telling of chilren's lives with gardens and adventures, but beautiful though those tales and views were, those books tended to take away my own experience of our garden, the beauty and naturality of it, like passing under a low apple tree branch just for the enjoyment and natural complexity of it, intertwined with the Finnish traditional civiluced possibilities in life, and instead after reading when one went to the garden such beauty got replaced by unability to enjoy or undersrand such, as if someone had borrowed a famous outer form without understanding the values in it and the need for civiliced rationality to support such, and there was left only some technical form with social obligations more unwisely than before. So adults had mistaken famoys books as wise instead of as beautiful fakes. For a thing to last there needs to be values safeguarding it, upon which it is build and maintained, plus good enough quality, for example school's civiliced wisdom instead of justt fajes and guesses, and for example one shoukd notice that neighbouring individuals often hsve different valyes and different grounds for their position, for example one social and lying and another safeguarding the good of the society and of the world. 

Finnish cultural wusdom or the picture of the world of the nature sciences which my parents were fond of, says that a natural living environment is important for humans and other living beings. Even though most people nowadays live in cities, natural functioning of biological beings and human societues may demand a certain amount of natural elements in the environment, which abd how many and of which kinds snd how much of them may vary a lot between individuals and situations, but it is likely that natural functioning of all the needed sides of ghe society would demand at least some individuals or groups having very natural living environment even if others don't have. Since we cannot predict the future, and in any case, it is good, surest to have at least the traditional forms of natural life and a natural living environment, with which it has been good to live here, so gardens, some recreation areas with forests, lakes, parks, trees, lawns, some grasses and flower pots are needed, likewise local farming without arupt or unwise changes in habits, etc. 

A tree branch in the garden offers varied sensory stimuli when one wishes for such. It is structured and atmospheric with clear concretical characteristics like sturdy or slender young, sensitive or on old good tracks, etc. Such is good for observation abilities which is good for objective thinking and skills, and so good also for school work. 

When I was young, I comoared the rythm of winter or spring time's bush or tree branches to thinking perspectives of different people with their typical fwatures, like long but narrow steps in thinking or short but more practical, and so the different professions had their own meaningfjl typical choices of such, likewise areas of life. 

Sturdy or sensitive etc like the structures and atmospheres of plant's branches, flowers, etc, is good vocabulary for sports skills, especially in sports kinds of variations in ways of doing, but also in perception abilitues, balancing whokes, emotional wisdom of life and how situations develop and choosing healthy courses in lufe situatilns and in single things done while taking into account near future and long term health, happiness and skills. In this sense life resembles things interesting in dance. 

10th of March 2024   A Finnish propaganda song, is it from World War II, but with the above text of mine could help locally all nations and not especially Finland. The name of the song is something like "Throw away your claim of your square skills being better than the skills brought by good quality civiliced wisdom" 

Famous Sovjet cavalry song, with the nature element one ought to reach high, yet it looks very war like, but I watched only the beginning 

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